Monday, April 30, 2012

Potted Plants

Got some plants started in pots, some Chamomile, and... Oops...My mom reads this, and the other ones are secrets, and I can post what they are once they come up, because then I will tell her. They are some really nice plants,  they should be something she'll like.

We took Sarah and Cocoa for a walk today. Sarah had a chain leash, and got it tangled in a chair right before we left. That was the end of the word. The only way she could be untangled would be to let go and let her pull it out, then she started running, and the chain made NOISE!! When I finally caught her, she was so shaken up she couldn't enjoy the walk, because the terrible chain leash was sticking to her!

Also made a chick palace out of a box! It has three stories, a nest, and a ramp! The top story doesn't have a ramp, because there wasn't room for a good ramp. Instead, there is a reward for chicks that fly up, a nest!  Made out of strips of an old T-shirt!

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