Sunday, April 29, 2012


Great news! My mom has been sucked into the crazy world of goats! She got her *first* one today! Now it needs a name.  She wants to name it Caris, but isn't quite sure. I think it looks like a Peaches n' Cream! As far as looks go, she is a really pretty orange, white, roanish kinda color. (Sorry no photos yet)  

There is another big desicion to be made. Whether to band Thomas Hunter or not. There are pros and cons to both sides, and I will post them here.

                                                                         Leaving Intact

- No stud fees.


-Has to have his own pen.

-Can't be let to breed his mom.

-Has to have a wether (banded goat) friend.

-He will stink.

-He will be unbearable when the girls come into heat.


- He can live in the same pen with the girls.

-He can detect when they are coming into heat.

-He can make them have more babies. (Won't get into details.)

-He won't stink.

Also, I put Andy on the stand to get her used to it, so that when she actually needs milk she won't put up a fight. She did great! (Then again, she did have grain most of the time!) Her udder is coming in nice. She didn't have any milk at the moment, because Tommy had just had a big meal. But it was nice, even if it was empty! She has really great attatchements, too!

Stella is getting really big, Rugby too! They are about ready to be weaned, too.

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