Saturday, August 31, 2013


I have officially finished the first draft of Dragon's Whisper! I hope to finish the second before the end of the year. Think I can do it?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Kick In The Butt

I haven't written harldy at all this summer. And yes, I'm hiding under the table now. But the other day I forced myself to write. It was only with the help of Write of Die that I managed to get anything done. Then a couple word wars, and I've written a thousand words. It's a start. Wish me luck!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

That's a new one!

How worked up do you get over your book? Enough to sleepwalk and tear your room apart looking for a title? (No joke. My mom said I was banging around in my room in the night, and when she asked me what I was doing, I said I was looking for a title for my book. Even found a scratch I didn't have the night before to prove it) Hopefully I'm not the only one whose writing intrudes into their dreams!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

A Change in Direction

This blog will be undergoing a change in direction. My writing has become an obsession, so I'll (for the most part) talk about that only now.

When someone picks up their pen and say "I am a writer", they split into two personalities, the Writer and the Critic. A typical conversation with the Critic tends to go something like this...

Critic: That dialog's flatter than roadkill on I-80.

Writer: I know. Shut up. I just need to finish the first draft, and then I'll listen to you.

Critic: (Silent for a moment) No one's ever going to want to read something like that.

Writer: I know. But you can't revise something that doesn't exist.

Critic: That dialog's flatter than roadkill on I-80.

There is no way to completely sqaush the critic, but I have found that making episodes with the Writer and the Critic makes the Critic's jabbering more amusing than anything.  For now, here is a more amusing one.

Critic: There's a plot hole.

Writer: I have eyes, too. I'll deal with it later. I'm nearly done with my first draft. Can't you shut up until then?

Critic: And if I did you'd never get published.

Writer: (Picks up a piece of bad dialog)

Critic: Glad to see you're finally paying-


Critic: I can't believe you just hit me with that-


Critic: (Staggers) Of all the nerve-


Critic: (Collapses, unconcious)

Writer: Maybe I'll be done with this scene by the time he wakes up.