Saturday, August 31, 2013


I have officially finished the first draft of Dragon's Whisper! I hope to finish the second before the end of the year. Think I can do it?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Kick In The Butt

I haven't written harldy at all this summer. And yes, I'm hiding under the table now. But the other day I forced myself to write. It was only with the help of Write of Die that I managed to get anything done. Then a couple word wars, and I've written a thousand words. It's a start. Wish me luck!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

That's a new one!

How worked up do you get over your book? Enough to sleepwalk and tear your room apart looking for a title? (No joke. My mom said I was banging around in my room in the night, and when she asked me what I was doing, I said I was looking for a title for my book. Even found a scratch I didn't have the night before to prove it) Hopefully I'm not the only one whose writing intrudes into their dreams!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

A Change in Direction

This blog will be undergoing a change in direction. My writing has become an obsession, so I'll (for the most part) talk about that only now.

When someone picks up their pen and say "I am a writer", they split into two personalities, the Writer and the Critic. A typical conversation with the Critic tends to go something like this...

Critic: That dialog's flatter than roadkill on I-80.

Writer: I know. Shut up. I just need to finish the first draft, and then I'll listen to you.

Critic: (Silent for a moment) No one's ever going to want to read something like that.

Writer: I know. But you can't revise something that doesn't exist.

Critic: That dialog's flatter than roadkill on I-80.

There is no way to completely sqaush the critic, but I have found that making episodes with the Writer and the Critic makes the Critic's jabbering more amusing than anything.  For now, here is a more amusing one.

Critic: There's a plot hole.

Writer: I have eyes, too. I'll deal with it later. I'm nearly done with my first draft. Can't you shut up until then?

Critic: And if I did you'd never get published.

Writer: (Picks up a piece of bad dialog)

Critic: Glad to see you're finally paying-


Critic: I can't believe you just hit me with that-


Critic: (Staggers) Of all the nerve-


Critic: (Collapses, unconcious)

Writer: Maybe I'll be done with this scene by the time he wakes up.


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Adventures with Goats....and Banjos

Maybe I should change the name of my blog from Adventures With Goats to Adventures With Goats And Banjos. Perhaps I should explain. For a while, I've considered taking up banjo or some similar instrument. I saw something called stumstick, and looked into it. I was going to get one, since it's not too different from banjo. Mom agreed, but decided that it was too simple and I would get bored. (It's made for beginners) So we found a cheap, quality banjo instead. I still kinda like the idea of a strumstick, but banjo will be fun, too. I'll tell ya'll (Who am I kidding, I'm the only one who reads this) when it gets here, and how it goes.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Bit by the Hunting Bug

I know, It's been forever since I last blogged. It's been kinda busy with school starting. But school hasn't kept me too busy to get hunting fever. This year, I have both an any antelope tag, and a deer buck tag and doe tag.  Antelope season starts October first, and goes through the 14th. We're going to try to go on the first.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Another Random Goat added to the adventures!

  From the title, I'm sure you know what happened. We couldn't control our addiction, and we're picking her up in two weeks. She's Alpine, LaMancha (Notice a trait with all our goats?) Toggenburg, and probably a lil' bit of everything. She isn't named yet, although I'm thinking Cinnamon Roll, or something along those lines. She's not Oberhasli red, or dull chocolate brown, Kind of a roan of the two.
   In other news, my lambs sold, they're being picked up tomorrow.